![Photo Neoglyphidodon description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/652_934_neoglyphidodon_sm.jpg) Neoglyphidodon
Neoglyphidodon Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: Aquarium Species temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Black, Blue, Yellow, Red, Striped family: Damselfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Open, Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Easy
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![Photo Pomacentrus description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/654_943_pomacentrus_sm.jpg) Pomacentrus
Pomacentrus Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 5-10 Cm compatibility: Aquarium Species temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Motley, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Light Blue family: Damselfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Easy
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![Photo Stegastes description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/656_950_stegastes_sm.jpg) Stegastes
Stegastes Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: Aquarium Species temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Motley, Yellow, White, Grey family: Damselfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Arabian Butterflyfish description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/661_955_arabian_butterflyfish_sm.jpg) Arabian Butterflyfish
Arabian Butterflyfish Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Yellow family: Butterflyfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Masked butterfly, Golden butterflyfish, Bluecheek butterflyfish description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/665_959_masked_butterfly_golden_butterflyfish_bluecheek_butterflyfish_sm.jpg) Masked butterfly, Golden butterflyfish, Bluecheek butterflyfish
Masked butterfly, Golden butterflyfish, Bluecheek butterflyfish Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 20-30 Cm compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Yellow family: Butterflyfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand light needs: Bright type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Barberfish, Blacknosed butterflyfish description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/679_975_barberfish_blacknosed_butterflyfish_sm.jpg) Barberfish, Blacknosed butterflyfish
Barberfish, Blacknosed butterflyfish Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish temperament: Calm color of fish: Yellow family: Butterflyfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Assessor description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/690_989_assessor_sm.jpg) Assessor
Assessor Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Elongated compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish temperament: Calm color of fish: Yellow, Blue family: Basslets minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Dusky dottyback description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/694_994_dusky_dottyback_sm.jpg) Dusky dottyback
Dusky dottyback Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Elongated length of fish: 5-10 Cm compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Yellow family: Dottybacks minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Close, Open temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Pseudanthias description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/696_1001_pseudanthias_sm.jpg) Pseudanthias
Pseudanthias Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Red, Yellow, Striped, Motley, Green family: Anthias minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Open, Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Goldsaddle goatfish (Yellow goatfish) description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/712_1023_goldsaddle_goatfish_yellow_goatfish_sm.jpg) Goldsaddle goatfish (Yellow goatfish)
Goldsaddle goatfish (Yellow goatfish) Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Elongated length of fish: 30-50 Cm compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish temperament: Calm color of fish: Yellow family: Goatfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef light needs: Moderate temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Easy
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![Photo Golden Moray Eel description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/738_1051_golden_moray_eel_sm.jpg) Golden Moray Eel
Golden Moray Eel Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Serpentine length of fish: More Than 50 Cm compatibility: Aquarium Species temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Yellow family: Eel minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Canary Blenny description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/781_1107_canary_blenny_sm.jpg) Canary Blenny
Canary Blenny Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Elongated length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish temperament: Aggressive color of fish: Yellow family: Blennies minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Midas Blenny description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/784_1111_midas_blenny_sm.jpg) Midas Blenny
Midas Blenny Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Elongated length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish temperament: Calm color of fish: Yellow family: Blennies minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Easy
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![Photo One Spot Foxface description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/825_1152_one_spot_foxface_sm.jpg) One Spot Foxface
One Spot Foxface Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish temperament: Calm color of fish: Yellow family: Foxface minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Indonesian coral rabbitfish description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/828_1156_indonesian_coral_rabbitfish_sm.jpg) Indonesian coral rabbitfish
Indonesian coral rabbitfish Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Oval length of fish: 20-30 Cm compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish temperament: Calm color of fish: Yellow family: Foxface minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: Moderate
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![Photo Tiger tail seahorse description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/845_1174_tiger_tail_seahorse_sm.jpg) Tiger tail seahorse
Tiger tail seahorse Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Elongated length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: Aquarium Species temperament: Calm color of fish: Yellow family: Seahorses, Pipefish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
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![Photo Leafy seadragon description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/847_1177_leafy_seadragon_sm.jpg) Leafy seadragon
Leafy seadragon Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Elongated length of fish: 20-30 Cm compatibility: Aquarium Species temperament: Calm color of fish: Green, Yellow family: Seahorses, Pipefish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand light needs: Scattered type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
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![Photo Longhorn Cowfish description](/aquarium_tank/fishes/image/250_377_longhorn_cowfish_sm.jpg) Longhorn Cowfish
Longhorn Cowfish Aquarium Fishes characteristics and growing
body shape of fish: Triangular length of fish: 10-20 Cm compatibility: Aquarium Species temperament: Calm color of fish: Spotted, Yellow family: Boxfish minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble light needs: Moderate type of aquarium: Close temperature of water: Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water) care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
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