Aquarium Fishes / Oval

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Aquarium Fishes Polycentrus schomburgkii Photo
Polycentrus schomburgkii Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Polycentrus schomburgkii
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Spotted
type of aquarium: Close
family: Perches
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Muted
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Aquarium Fishes Chilatherina Photo
Chilatherina Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Chilatherina
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Moderate
temperament: Active
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Silver, Motley, Light Blue
type of aquarium: Close
family: Rainbowfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
light needs: Bright
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Aquarium Fishes Black-spotted rainbowfish Photo
Black-spotted rainbowfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Black-spotted rainbowfish
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Spotted
type of aquarium: Close
family: Rainbowfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Ramu rainbowfish Photo
Ramu rainbowfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Ramu rainbowfish
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Gold
type of aquarium: Close
family: Rainbowfish
temperature of water: 27-28°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Lake Wanam rainbowfish,  Photo
Lake Wanam rainbowfish, Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Lake Wanam rainbowfish,
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Silver
type of aquarium: Close
family: Rainbowfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Dwarf Puffer Photo
Dwarf Puffer Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Dwarf Puffer
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Spotted
type of aquarium: Close, Open
family: Pufferfish, Balloonfish, Blowfish, Bubblefish, Globefish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Milk-spotted pufferfish Photo
Milk-spotted pufferfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Milk-spotted pufferfish
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Spotted
type of aquarium: Close, Open
family: Pufferfish, Balloonfish, Blowfish, Bubblefish, Globefish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Chaetodontoplus Photo
Chaetodontoplus Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Chaetodontoplus
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Calm
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Grey, Motley, Black
type of aquarium: Close
family: Angels
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Genicanthus Photo
Genicanthus Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Genicanthus
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Calm
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: White, Motley, Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Angels
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Chrysurs Angel Fish Photo
Chrysurs Angel Fish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Chrysurs Angel Fish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Calm
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Angels
temperature of water: 27-28°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Muted
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Aquarium Fishes Rusty angelfish Photo
Rusty angelfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Rusty angelfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Red
type of aquarium: Close
family: Angels
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Barred angelfish Photo
Barred angelfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Barred angelfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Calm
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Angels
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Muted
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Aquarium Fishes Blue-lip Anemonefish Photo
Blue-lip Anemonefish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Blue-lip Anemonefish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Calm
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Clownfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Amphiprion mccullochi Photo
Amphiprion mccullochi Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Amphiprion mccullochi
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Calm
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Black
type of aquarium: Close
family: Clownfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Sergent major Damsel Fish Photo
Sergent major Damsel Fish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Sergent major Damsel Fish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Easy
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Fula negra Photo
Fula negra Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Fula negra
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Brown
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Spiny Chromis Photo
Spiny Chromis Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Spiny Chromis
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Brown
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Golden damselfish Photo
Golden damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Golden damselfish
habitat: Freshwater Fish
care level: Easy
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Yellow
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Staghorn Damselfish Photo
Staghorn Damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Staghorn Damselfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes White-belly damselfish Photo
White-belly damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care White-belly damselfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Silver
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Ternate Damsel Photo
Ternate Damsel Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Ternate Damsel
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Easy
temperament: Calm
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer, Top Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Silver
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Black Banded Damsel Photo
Black Banded Damsel Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Black Banded Damsel
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Canary Deep Water Damsel Photo
Canary Deep Water Damsel Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Canary Deep Water Damsel
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Easy
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Yellow
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Tuxedo Damselfish, Threeband Damselfish Photo
Tuxedo Damselfish, Threeband Damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Tuxedo Damselfish, Threeband Damselfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Easy
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Dischistodus Photo
Dischistodus Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Dischistodus
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped, Pink
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Lagoon damselfish Photo
Lagoon damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Lagoon damselfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Motley
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
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Aquarium Fishes Garibaldi Damselfish Photo
Garibaldi Damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Garibaldi Damselfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
color of fish: Red
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Immaculate Damsel Photo
Immaculate Damsel Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Immaculate Damsel
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
color of fish: Brown
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Coralreef
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Jewel Damselfish Photo
Jewel Damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Jewel Damselfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Easy
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Blue
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Giant Damselfish Photo
Giant Damselfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Giant Damselfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
color of fish: Blue
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 1000 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Neoglyphidodon Photo
Neoglyphidodon Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Neoglyphidodon
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Easy
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Black, Blue, Yellow, Red, Striped
type of aquarium: Open, Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Pomacentrus Photo
Pomacentrus Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Pomacentrus
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Easy
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Motley, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Light Blue
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Stegastes Photo
Stegastes Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Stegastes
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Motley, Yellow, White, Grey
type of aquarium: Close
family: Damselfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef, Coarse Sand
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Lord Howe Coralfish Photo
Lord Howe Coralfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Lord Howe Coralfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Butterflyfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Dusky Butterflyfish Photo
Dusky Butterflyfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Dusky Butterflyfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Black
type of aquarium: Close
family: Butterflyfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes Arabian Butterflyfish Photo
Arabian Butterflyfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Arabian Butterflyfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: Moderate
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Yellow
type of aquarium: Close
family: Butterflyfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Meyer's Butterfly Photo
Meyer's Butterfly Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Meyer's Butterfly
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Butterflyfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
compatibility: Aquarium Species
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Scattered
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Aquarium Fishes Lined butterflyfish Photo
Lined butterflyfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Lined butterflyfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 20-30 Cm
color of fish: Motley
type of aquarium: Close
family: Butterflyfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Bright
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Aquarium Fishes Black backed butterflyfish Photo
Black backed butterflyfish Photo
Aquarium Fishes description and care Black backed butterflyfish
habitat: Marine Fish (Sea Water)
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
temperament: Aggressive
body shape of fish: Oval
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Striped
type of aquarium: Close
family: Butterflyfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
bottom type in the aquarium: Coralreef
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 500 Liters
light needs: Moderate
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Aquarium Fishes / Oval

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