care, growing and cultivation / Nuphar Southern Spatterdock, Yellow Pond Lily, Yellow Cow Lily:
light needs: semi-shade, full sun
cold hardiness zone:3 (-40 to -34°C), 4 (-34 to -29°C), 5 (-29 to -23°C), 6 (-23 to -18°C), 7 (-18 to -12°C), 8 (-12 to -7°C), 9 (-7 to -1°C), 10 (-1 to +4°C)
frost resistance: frost resistance
water needs: no information
soil type: water
soil acidity: neutral soil
shelter in winter: shelter is not required
method of cultivation: non seedlings
landscape use: water Garden
*Some characteristics are relevant for a temperate climate
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