hoolitsemine, kasvav ja kultiveerimine / Anthemis nobile, Chamaemelum nobile Kummel Muru, Rooma Kummel:
valguse vajadustele: täis päikest
külma vastupidavus tsoon:10 (-1 kuni + 4°c), 9 (-7 kuni -1°c), 8 (-12 kuni -7°c), 7 (-18 kuni -12°c), 6 (-23 kuni -18°c), 5 (-29 kuni -23°c), 4 (-34 kuni -29°c)
$14.99 ($0.60 / Count) 25 Slightly Assorted Flower Seed Packets - Includes 10+ Varieties - May Include: Forget Me Nots, Pinks, Marigolds, Zinnia, Wildflower, Poppy, Snapdragon and More - Made in the USA
$13.99 ($0.00 / Count) Seed Needs, Wild Creeping Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) Twin Pack of 20,000 Seeds Each
$9.99 Texas Bluebonnet Seeds (Lupinus texensis) - Over 1,000 Premium Seeds - by 'createdbynature'
$7.97 Sweet Yards Seed Co. Black Eyed Susan Seeds – Extra Large Packet – Over 100,000 Open Pollinated Non-GMO Wildflower Seeds – Rudbeckia hirta
$5.99 ($0.01 / Count) "Painted Daisy" Flower Seeds, 1000 Heirloom Flower Seeds Per Packet, Non GMO Seeds, Isla's Garden Seeds