Vrtne Cvjetovi Plava Stijena Slak / Convolvulus sabatius / svijetlo plava
Engleski naziv: Blue rock bindweed
Latinski naziv: Convolvulus sabatius
flower.onego.ru svijetlo plava
Foto Plava Stijena Slak (Convolvulus sabatius)
Vrtne Cvjetovi opis i karakteristike:
vrijeme cvjetanja: kolovoz, srpanj, lipanj
vrijeme života: godišnji
prisutnost mirisa: nema mirisa
boja cvijeta: svijetlo plava
veličina cvijeta: velike
visina biljke (cm): više 100 cm
tip stabla: lijana
toksičnost: otrovna biljka/toksična biljka
briga, uzgoj i uzgajanje / Convolvulus sabatius Plava Stijena Slak:
aranžman u odnosu na sunce: sunce
zona hladnoće otpora: nema podataka
otpornost na mraz: ne otporan na mraz
vlažnost tla: umjereno, vlažno
tip tla: pješčana ilovača, ilovača
kiselost tla: neutralno
sklonište za zimu: ne zahtijeva sklonište
metoda rastuće: rassadnoj (seedling)
korištenje biljaka u pejzažnom dizajnu: zemlja pokriti, kultura lonca, rock vrt
*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu
Plava Stijena Slak / Convolvulus sabatius (sadnice, sjemena).
katalog: Vrtne Cvjetovi
Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!
Pomozite projektu:
Hvala vam!
1,86 €
1,99 € (0,03 € / stück)
20,88 € (20,88 € / kg)
10,49 € (0,21 € / stück)
39,99 € (0,40 € / stück)
3,79 €
2,79 €
3,95 €
5,99 € (59,90 € / KG)
8,99 € (0,45 € / quadratmeter)
19,90 € (39,80 € / kg)
4,90 €
$25.61 Easy to Grow Houseplants (6 Pack), Live House Plants in Plant Containers, Growers Choice Plant Set in Planters with Potting Soil Mix, Home Décor Planting Kit or Outdoor Garden Gifts by Plants for Pets
$6.46 ($0.32 / Count) Skyscraper Sunflower Seeds for Planting | 20 Seeds | Rare, Exotic Garden Seeds | Huge 15-20 feet Tall with Giant Sunflowers
$17.95 ($0.00 / Count) 130,000+ Wildflower Seeds - Premium Birds & Butterflies Wildflower Seed Mix [3 Oz] Flower Garden Seeds - Bulk Wild Flowers: 23 Wildflowers Varieties of 100% Non-GMO Annual Flower Seeds for Planting
$7.99 200 Pcs Citronella Plant Seeds Garden Home Plant Seeds,for Growing Seeds in The Garden or Home Vegetable Garden
$13.19 Package of 80,000 Wildflower Seeds - Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix Seeds Collection - 18 Assorted Varieties of Non-GMO Heirloom Flower Seeds for Planting Including Larkspur, Poppy, Columbine, & Daisy
$16.99 ($0.02 / Count) 1000+ Sunflower Seeds for Planting - 8 Varieties - Flower Seeds to Plant Outside, Grow Giant Sunflower Plants, Heirloom Seeds
Koristite donji obrazac za izabrati:
colorful gardens (monochrome gardens)
korištenje biljaka u pejzažnom dizajnu