Vrtne Cvjetovi Gypsophila Bungeana Foto / karakteristike i uzgajanje, uzgoj i opis

Vrtne Cvjetovi Gypsophila Bungeana / bijela

  bijela Vrtne Cvjetovi Gypsophila Bungeana Foto

Foto Gypsophila Bungeana

Vrtne Cvjetovi opis i karakteristike:

  • vrijeme cvjetanja: srpanj, lipanj
  • vrijeme života: višegodišnji
  • prisutnost mirisa: nema mirisa
  • boja cvijeta: bijela
  • veličina cvijeta: male
  • visina biljke (cm): od 5 do 30 cm
  • tip stabla: puzav
  • toksičnost: ne otrovna biljka/ne toksična biljka

briga, uzgoj i uzgajanje Gypsophila Bungeana:

  • aranžman u odnosu na sunce: sunce
  • zona hladnoće otpora: 3 (od -40 do -34oC), 4 (od -34 do -29oC), 5 (od -29 do -23oC), 6 (od -23 do -18oC), 7 (od -18 do -12oC), 8 (od -12 do -7oC), 9 (od -7 do -1oC), 10 (od -1 do +4oC)
  • otpornost na mraz: otporan na mraz
  • vlažnost tla: umjereno
  • tip tla: pješčana ilovača
  • kiselost tla: neutralno
  • sklonište za zimu: ne zahtijeva sklonište
  • metoda rastuće: bezrassadnoj (no seedlings)
  • korištenje biljaka u pejzažnom dizajnu: ivičnjak, rock vrt

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

Gypsophila Bungeana (sadnice, sjemena).

katalog: Vrtne Cvjetovi

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Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!


Pomozite projektu: Hvala vam!

2,95 €

3,99 €

4,90 €

1,70 €

18,95 €

2,99 €

9,90 € (9,90 € / count)

2,49 € (2,49 € / Stück)

1,99 € (0,03 € / stück)

1,99 € (0,01 € / stück)

12,99 € (0,93 € / stück)

11,91 € (5,96 € / 100 g)
$7.97 ($0.00 / Count) Wildflower Seeds Butterfly and Humming Bird Mix - Large 1 Ounce Packet 7,500+ Seeds - 23 Open Pollinated Annual and Perennial Species
$9.69 Monarch Butterfly Rescue Wildflower Seeds Bulk Open-Pollinated Wildflower Seed Packet, No Fillers, Annual, Perennial Milkweed Seeds for Monarch Butterfly 1oz
$25.61 Easy to Grow Houseplants (6 Pack), Live House Plants in Plant Containers, Growers Choice Plant Set in Planters with Potting Soil Mix, Home Décor Planting Kit or Outdoor Garden Gifts by Plants for Pets
$14.25 All Perennial Wildflower Seed Mix - 1/4 Pound, Mixed, Attracts Pollinators, Attracts Hummingbirds, Easy to Grow & Maintain
$22.99 Plant Theatre Funky Veg Garden Starter Kit - 5 Types of Vegetable Seeds with Pots, Planting Markers and Peat Discs - Kitchen & Gardening Gifts for Women & Men
$13.19 Package of 80,000 Wildflower Seeds - Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix Seeds Collection - 18 Assorted Varieties of Non-GMO Heirloom Flower Seeds for Planting Including Larkspur, Poppy, Columbine, & Daisy


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