Prašome padėti projektui!Prašome pasidalinti ja!Ačiū!
Prašome padėti projektui:
6,58 €
19,99 €
14,99 € (14,99 € / Liter)
6,99 € (13,98 € / l)
19,90 €
6,99 € (13,98 € / Liter)
20,57 €
10,99 €
6,30 € (12,60 € / l)
6,92 € (17,30 € / l)
1,44 € (45,00 € / l)
6,74 € (224,67 € / l)
$7.99 Jobes Fertilizer Spikes for Houseplants - 60 Count
$19.99 Premium Orchid Food Fertilizer Spray by Houseplant Resource Center - Grow Beautiful and Exotic Orchids with Ease - Ready-to-Use Custom NPK Ratio is The Perfectly Balanced Orchid Food and Won't Burn
$15.99 Organic Liquid Seaweed and Kelp Fertilizer Supplement by Bloom City, Quart (32 oz) Concentrated Makes 180 Gallons
$29.95 Elm Dirt Plant Booster for All Plants (1 Bottle)
$13.97 ($0.87 / oz) Indoor Plant Food by E Z-GRO 15-30-15 (PT) | Liquid Plant Food for Your Indoor Plants | Our Liquid Fertilizer Increases Bud Set in Flowering | Our Indoor Plant Fertilizer has High Phosphorus Level
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Žydintys Krūmai ir Medžiai, Lapuočių Papuošimai ir Spygliuočių Krūmai ir Medžiai, Namas Kaktusai ir Sukulentai 2024-2025
Dekoratyviniai Augalai, Sodo Gėlės, Vidinis augalai