$10.00 Houseplant Fertilizer & Indoor Plant Food | Self-Dissolving Tablets | Make Feeding Your Plants a Breeze | Instant Plant Food (2 Tablets)
$13.99 VermisTerra Vitality - Worm castings, Easily Feed houseplants, All Natural, Promote Health and Growth for Indoor and Outdoor Gardening (8 oz)
$24.99 AlgoPlus for Houseplants - Perfectly Balanced Liquid Fertilizer for Healthier, More Robust, Indoor Plants - 1L Bottle w/ Measuring Cup
$18.95 Liquid Love - All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer by GS Plant Foods (32 oz) - Natural Fertilizer for Vegetables, Herb Gardens, House Plants, Fruit Trees, Lawns & Shrubs
$14.95 Emily's Naturals Neem Oil Plant Spray Kit, Makes 48oz | Natural Spray for Garden and House Plants | Safe and Biodegradable
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