Sobne Rastline Calamondin drevo fotografija / značilnosti in gojenje, rast in opis

Sobne Rastline Calamondin drevo / temno zelena

  temno zelena Sobne Rastline Calamondin drevo fotografija
temno zelena

fotografija Calamondin

Sobne Rastline opis in značilnosti:

  • višina rastline (cm): 100-150 cm
  • tip rastline (Sobne rastline): drevo
  • tip stebla: pokončna
  • toksičnost: ni strupena rastlina
  • oblika listov: oval
  • barva listov: temno zelena

nega, rast in gojenje Calamondin:

  • obdobje miru: ne
  • lokacija sobne rastline: vzhodno okno, zahoden okno, severno okno
  • težavnost pridelave: za pridelovalca z nekaj izkušnjami
  • zahtevana osvetlitev: svetloba okolice
  • vlažnost zraka: vlažna
  • pogostost zalivanja: zmerno

Okrasne Rastline Calamondin (sadike, semena).

katalog: Sobne Rastline

Krovna Rastlina
Krovna Rastlina
Holly Vejice
Holly Vejice
Ivy Grape, Hrast Leaf Ivy
Ivy Grape, Hrast Leaf Ivy
Umbrella Tree
Umbrella Tree
Gum Tree
Gum Tree
Juke, Adams Igle
Juke, Adams Igle

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

3,72 €

6,99 € (13,98 € / l)

44,95 €

6,86 €

5,35 €

4,29 € (1,07 € / l)

5,49 €

7,99 € (15,98 € / l)

13,95 € (13,95 € / liter)

6,92 € (17,30 € / l)

12,95 €

8,49 € (6,53 € / l)
$22.99 Indoor Plant Food: All-Purpose Ready-to-use Fertilizer for houseplants. 8 Liquid Ounces. Great for Your pothos, Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Ferns, Palms, ficus, African Violets, Cactus and More!
$5.25 Jobes Houseplant Food Spikes (1) (Multi)
$15.95 Joyful Dirt Premium Concentrated All Purpose Organic Based Plant Food and Fertilizer. Easy Use Shaker (3 oz)
$13.99 Perfect Plants Liquid Money Tree Fertilizer | 8oz. of Premium Concentrated Indoor and Outdoor Pachira Aquatica Fertilizer | Use with Containerized Houseplant Money Trees
$13.98 ($0.58 / Ounce) Earth's Ally 3-in-1 Plant Spray | Insecticide, Fungicide & Spider Mite Control, Use on Indoor Houseplants and Outdoor Plants, Gardens & Trees - Insect & Pest Repellent & Antifungal Treatment, 24oz
$10.19 BioAdvanced 701710 8-11-5 Fertilizer with Imidacloprid Plant Food Plus Insect Control Spikes, 10


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