$11.49 Indoor Plant Food, All-Purpose Organic Plant Food and Fertilizer, NutriDense (5oz) by Humane [NPK 6-4-3]
$39.95 Liqui-Dirt Nano Powder All-Purpose Organic Complete Plant Food for Indoor or Outdoor Use (Makes over 50 gallons) 18 Balanced Super Foods -Balanced Blend of Vitamins Minerals Micro-Fungi and Bio-Organisms
$17.16 Jobes Houseplant Food Spikes (3)
$7.99 Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food 6-2-4 | Liquid Houseplant Fig Tree | Bottle Lasts Twice as Long as Other competitors
$13.97 ($0.87 / oz) Indoor Plant Food by E Z-GRO 15-30-15 (PT) | Liquid Plant Food for Your Indoor Plants | Our Liquid Fertilizer Increases Bud Set in Flowering | Our Indoor Plant Fertilizer has High Phosphorus Level
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Cvetoče grmičevje in drevesa, Okrasna Listnata in Iglavci Grmi in Drevesa, Kaktusi in Sukulente 2024-2025