$13.97 Organic Houseplant Food - Organic Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants- Natural & Organic All-Purpose Houseplant Fertilizer for Common Houseplants
$10.75 Liquid Indoor Plant Food, Easy Peasy Plants House Plant 4-3-4 Plant Nutrients | Lasts Same as 16 oz Bottle
$9.08 Espoma 8 Ounce Concentrated Organic Indoor Plant Food - Indoor Plant Fertilizer For Large & Small Plants Like Pothos, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Monstera, Snake & Palms
$10.19 BioAdvanced 701710 8-11-5 Fertilizer with Imidacloprid Plant Food Plus Insect Control Spikes, 10
$9.95 ($1.24 / Fl Oz) Jessi Mae Indoor Plant Food Liquid Fertilizer, 1-1-1 NPK House Plant Fertilizer for Snake Plants, Peace Lilies and Pothos Plant, All Purpose Plant Food for Houseplants and Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree (8 oz)
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Цветући Грмови и Дрвета, Украсне Лиснате и Четинарске Грмови и Дрвета, Кактуси и Сукуленти 2024-2025