$19.99 Houseplant Multivitamin - Vitamin D for Plants! Premium Liquid Fertilizer and Indoor Plant Food with Trace Nutrients and Vitamins
$13.99 Perfect Plants Liquid Money Tree Fertilizer | 8oz. of Premium Concentrated Indoor and Outdoor Pachira Aquatica Fertilizer | Use with Containerized Houseplant Money Trees
$11.99 Jobes Fertilizer Spikes for Houseplants - 90 Count
$23.09 SunGro Black Gold All Purpose Natural and Organic Potting Soil Fertilizer Mix for House Plants, Vegetables, Herbs and More, 1 Cubic Feet Bag
$29.95 Dynamite 887776 Select All Purpose Plant Food, 2-Pound
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Blomstrande Buskar och Träd, Dekorativbladiga buskar och träd och barrbuskar och -träd, Kaktusar och Suckulenter 2023-2024